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童世明幼时常随祖母沿街乞讨,饱尝旧社会的辛酸。1930年他17岁便投身革命,成为中国工农红军中的一员,并于同年加入中国共产党。他参加了鄂豫皖苏区四次反围剿,后随红二十五军参加长征。长征途中,由于受王明“左”倾路线影响,任红军营长的童世明被撤销党内外一切职务,下放连队当炊事员。他整天挑着大铁锅随部队行动,任劳任怨,保证战士吃 Childhood often begging with his grandmother along the street, full of bitterness of the old society. In 1930, when he was 17 years old, he joined the revolution and became a member of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army. In the same year, he joined the Communist Party of China. He participated in the four anti-encirclement and encirclement campaigns in the Soviet Union, Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces and later took part in the Long March with the Twenty-fifth Army. During the long march, Tong Shiming, commander of the Commander Ren Hongjun, was withdrawn from all positions inside and outside the government and delegated as a cook because of Wang Qing’s leftwing leaning line. He lured a large iron pan with the army all day and worked hard to ensure the soldiers eat
在利比里亚的365天里,令徐忠涛最难忘记的是当地孩童那乌黑发亮的眼眸。“China,good!”(中国好样的)“China friend!”(中国是朋友),一些孩子会跟着他们的巡逻车边跑边喊。
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