
来源 :火灾科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbshisegui
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建国四十多年来,我国的消防工作取得了巨大的成就。但是,近几年的火灾形势是严峻的。本文基于八十年代中期至1994年的火灾统计数据,总结了火灾发生的规律,阐述了近几年火灾形势发展的新动向。分析表明,由于现行的消防工作没能与社会协调发展,是造成近几年火灾急剧上升的主要原因。消防工作的当务之急,就是解决在新形势下暴露出的问题:如建立和完善与新国情相适应的消防法制管理体系;消防管理部门吸收社会上的科技专家共同开展消防咨询和监督工作;开展针对目前形势下的火灾探测、报警及扑救装备的研究;努力改善消防人员的装备条件以提高战斗力,等等。本文最后指出,为吸取近几年火灾带给我们的血的教训,避免今后消防工作再次出现落后于社会发展的局面,有必要对未来可能出现的火灾方面的新问题作预测,并对这些问题作一些超前研究,以达到防患于未然的目的。 Over the past 40 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, great achievements have been made in our country's fire fighting work. However, the fire situation in recent years is severe. Based on the fire statistics from the mid-1980s to 1994, this paper summarizes the laws of fire occurrence and describes the new trends in the development of fire situations in recent years. The analysis shows that due to the failure of the current firefighting work to develop in coordination with the society, it is the main cause of the dramatic increase in fires in recent years. The top priority of firefighting work is to solve the problems exposed in the new situation: such as establishing and improving the fire safety legal system that adapts to the new national conditions; the fire protection management department absorbs the scientific and technical experts in the society to jointly carry out firefighting consulting and supervision work; The current situation of fire detection, alarms and research on fighting equipment; efforts to improve firefighters' equipment conditions to improve combat effectiveness, and so on. Finally, the paper points out that in order to absorb the lessons learned from the fire brought to us by the fire in recent years and to avoid the situation in which future firefighting operations will lag behind social development, it is necessary to make predictions on new problems that may arise in the future and to address these issues. Do some advanced research to achieve the purpose of prevention.
胸口挂钥匙——开心原指打开心房,实指人心情愉悦。蝎子放屁——毒气大毒气:原指有毒的气体,实指狠毒的手段或歹毒的心肠。 Chest hanging key - happy to open the origina
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