把书法和戏曲摆在一起评头论足,说长道短,似乎有些唐突。其实不然,在同一文化属性之内,对某些文化艺术品种,作些品析、比较,或许另有一番情趣和意义. 书法和戏曲都是中华民族优秀的传统文化艺术,都有悠久的历史和辉煌的过去。然不同的是,进入现代社会以来,两种艺术所面临的命运却大不一样.书法艺术走进千家万户,老中青少幼,爱好者猛增,令人振奋。戏曲的遭遇,可就令人寒心了。然则同为我中华国人,对我同一本根文化的两种传统艺术,何若要亲一疏一,热一冷一呢?
It seems absurd to put calligrapher and opera together for comment and gossip. In actual fact, within the same cultural attributes, it is perhaps more interesting and meaningful to analyze and compare certain cultural and artistic varieties, and both calligraphy and traditional Chinese opera are both excellent traditional culture and art with long history And brilliant past. The difference is, since entering the modern society, the fate of the two kinds of art is quite different. Calligraphy art into the tens of thousands of households, young and old, enthusiasts soaring, exciting. Drama experience can be chilling. However, with the same Chinese people as me, I am the same root culture of the two traditional arts, how to pro-one, hot and cold?