
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydaf0rx0
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To describe our experience with extraperitoneal lymph node staging in gynecologic oncology. The extraperitoneal approach was performed to assess the lymph node histology in patients with gynecologic malignancies. The nodes are approached froma lateral approach after dissecting open the extraperitoneal space bluntly and with insufflation. Bilateral aortic nodes are taken from a left- sided or right- sided approach depending on the patient’ s characteristics. Forty- six patients underwent this procedure over a 2.5- year period. Thirty- seven patients had cervical cancer. The median BMI was 27.1 (17.7- 38.1). The median lymph node yield was 14 (0- 60). Two patients had disruption of the peritoneumsuch that the aortic lymphadenectomy had to be completed transperitoneally. No patients required laparotomy. No patients required transfusion. This technique permits histologic evaluation of the retroperitoneal nodes with minimal risk of intraabdominal adhesions. Recovery is rapid and further therapy can be prescribed shortly. The data on the nodes can assist in treatment planning. To describe our experience with extraperitoneal lymph node staging in gynecologic oncology. The extraperitoneal approach was performed to assess the lymph node histology in patients with gynecologic malignancies. The node are approached froma lateral approach after dissecting open the extraperitoneal space bluntly and with insufflation. Bilateral aortic Six patients underwent this procedure over a 2.5-year period. Thirty-seven patients had cervical cancer. The median BMI was 27.1 (17.7 - The median lymph node yield was 14 (0- 60). Two patients had disruption of the peritoneumsuch that the aortic lymphadenectomy had to be completed transperitoneally. No patients required laparotomy. No patients required transfusion. This technique permits histologic evaluation of the retroperitoneal nodes with minimal risk of intraabdominal adhesions. Recovery is rapid and further t herapy can be prescribed shortly. The data on the nodes can assist in treatment planning.
详细地介绍了真空密封铸型抗压强度、抗剪强度、拉伸强度等的测试方法及用这种方法测得的结果。实际应用表明,这些方法有操作简便、测试结果复现性好等优点 The test methods
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Aim: To study the secretory activity and androgen regulation of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in epithelial cell cultures from human epididymis. Methods: Tissue
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1985年,我退伍到某军工企业担任党办干事,从此便和“政工”打上了交道。 那时,我刚由扛枪训练到企业搞政治工作,一切都是陌生的。凭着一个共产党员的责任感和事业心,凡是领