笔者近日在调查中发现,在海拔200米处的新安江水库北侧——左口乡方红根家门前,有一株特大的香泡树,1986年秋结果一千三百斤。该树的树冠之大,产量之高,可谓香泡之王。 据了解这株树是在抗战时期,即1942年从衢州引种的实生苗培植的,到目前已有46年树龄。由于该树位于屋前,土层深厚,土质肥沃(平时不太注意施肥),目前看来,树势十分强壮,病虫为害极少。该树高7.5米,
The author recently found in the survey, at an altitude of 200 meters north of Xin’anjiang Reservoir - left hometown of Fang Honggen house, there is a large fragrant bubble tree, the result of the fall of 1986 1,300 catties. The crown of the tree, high yield, can be described as the king of the bubble. It is understood that this tree is in the war of resistance against Japan, that is, introduced in 1942 from Quzhou seedling cultivation, so far has 46 years of age. As the tree is located in front of the house, deep soil, fertile soil (usually do not pay attention to fertilization), at present, the tree is very strong, very few pests. The tree is 7.5 meters high,