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近年来,我省以巨峰系为主的鲜食葡萄发展很快,据统计全省已种20016亩,对改善人民生活和调节市场水果供应起了很大作用,但也有部分专业户,栽上后管理不善,造成推迟结果期,产量低而不稳,为使我省巨峰葡萄达到早日丰产之目的,现介绍早期丰产技术,供广大果农参考。一、加强土肥水综合管理。科学施肥。栽植当年追肥4次,第一次在新稍7—10厘米时进行,以后每隔20天施一次。1—3次,每株施碳酸氢氨50克;第4次改追施复合肥。自第二年起,每年追肥3次,分别在幼果豆粒大、果粒开始着色和第一茬果采收后进行。每株用肥量250克。为提高果实品质,后两次追施磷酸二氨和硫酸钾各75克。同时,大力推行叶面喷肥,5—8月份葡萄生长期喷0.5%尿素,磷酸二氢钾、硫酸 In recent years, the province of freshwater grapes mainly Jufeng Department developed rapidly, according to statistics, the province has planted 20016 acres, to improve people’s lives and regulate market supply of fruit played a significant role, but there are also some specialized households, planted after Poor management, resulting in the postponement of fruition, low yield and instability, in order to achieve the early yield-rich fruit of Kyoho in our province, are introduced early high yield technology for the majority of farmers reference. First, to strengthen soil and fertilizer integrated management. Scientific fertilization. Topdressing four times that year, the first time in the new slightly 7-10 cm, after every 20 days once. 1-3 times, each plant to apply 50 grams of ammonium bicarbonate; the fourth change Shi Shi compound fertilizer. Since the second year, topdressing 3 times a year, respectively, in the young fruit pea kernels, fruit coloring and the first stump after harvesting. Each plant with 250 grams of fertilizer. In order to improve the quality of the fruit, the two topdressing two diammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate each 75 grams. At the same time, vigorously promote the foliar fertilizer, grape growth during May-August spraying 0.5% urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sulfuric acid
  Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) with spiro-OMeTAD (2,2 ,7,7-tetrakis (N,N-dimethoxyphenylamine)-9,9-spirobifluorene) hole transporting material
Transmitted power will decrease, cross modulate distortion and inter modulate distortion will be caused and antenna pattern will shift if transmitted antennas
通常家长认为孩子在上幼儿园甚至上小学后才可以开始刷牙,其实这种观念是不正确的,孩子从婴幼儿时期就需要口腔护理了,而其中最基础也是最重要的就是刷牙。 In fact, this c