北京时间12月5日,意大利开启修宪公投,结果不出意料——早在北京时间8点,计票过半,反对票为59.6%,总理伦齐(Matteo Renzi)提出辞职。欧元短线大跌100多点至1.056,对美元跌至2015年3月来最低。公投为何落败?复旦大学欧洲问题研究中心主任、让·莫内讲席教授丁纯此前表示,“首先,就民主本身而言,伦齐可以说修宪公投是为了集中权利、易于
Beijing on December 5, Italy opened the constitutional referendum, the result is not surprising - as early as 8 o’clock Beijing time, more than half the vote, the vote was 59.6%, Prime Minister Matt Renzi resign. Short-term euro plunged more than 100 points to 1.056, the dollar fell to March 2015 to a minimum. Why did not the referendum? Fudan University European Studies Center, Jean Monnet, Professor Ding Chun said earlier, ”First of all, in terms of democracy itself, Renzi can be reformed constitutional referendum is to focus on rights and easy