ThedevelopmentofJane Eyre’s Rebellious Character

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  【Abstract】Jane Eyre was one of the great Charaters who was made by charlotte Bronte. Jane’s rebellious character developed gradually in places where she ever lived. Here I‘ll analyse how Jane’s rebellious Character developed.
  【Keywords】Rebellious charater; Develop
  【中圖分类号】G623.31【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0009-01
  As we all known charlotte Bronte was one of the most famous write’s in 19th century, she uesd her keen perception to write her book and created some splandid characters. Jane Eyre was the most vivid one and also Jane Eyre was the first book to describe women’s liberation and resistance.
  During Jane’s growing up, she had ever lived in four places Mrs Reeds home, Lowood school ,Thor filed and St.John’s home, each place left the mark of Jane’s erbellious character.
  1 At Mrs Reed’s home
  Jane was an orphan, not long after she wae born her parent’s died. Then she was send to her anut-Reed’s home. In that place she suffered lots of ill-treatments form both her aunt and her cousins.They threated her as servant and did not give even a little pity or warmness to her. At last,Jane could not help angering and she broke out to against the bad cousins. Because of herresistance she was locked in a terrible red house. When she left Mrs Reed’s home, she spat out all her anger. She said:
  How dare I Mrs Reed ?How dare I? Because it is the truth. You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness. But I cannot live so. And you have no pity. I will tell anybody who asks me question, this exact tale people think you a good women, but you are bad, had-hearted. You are deceitful!
  There words gave a full view of Mrs Reed’s bad essential, showed the seeds of registance began to grow in Jane’s heart. She also attacted the British’s capitalism relationship that was cruel without a concern of relative. This is the first time Jane’s resistance succeeded.
  2 At lowood school
  After Jane left Mrs Reed’s home, she was sent to lowood school . Lowood school was a charity school , but there was no charity at all. The headmenter treated the students as servents . Jane could not escape form her bad destiny but she didn't stop fighting aginst the bad head-mastrer. As a ten years gril , the fire of rebellious was burning in her tiny body , when her friend Hallen suffered ill-treatment .She began to resist . She said:
  A great deal: you are good to those who are good to you , it is all I ever desie to be . If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid ,and so they would never after but would grow worse and worse when we are struck at without a reason, we should strick back again very hard.
  If we say at Mrs Reed’s home Jane’s rebellious seeds began to grow up ,then these words was the development of Jane’s rebellious character. The cause of this resistance was the evil and criminal society.
  3 At thornfield
  Jane went to thorfield to be governess. During Jane got in touth with Mr Rochestor, she still kept her dignity , altrough she was born in lower class and her social position was very low. The indepence character attrected Rochestor and also conquered him. Jane never buried her resistance character spirit. She pursued a kind of love that was founded in equality, as a governess, she looked down upon capitalistic conception ande fall in love with her master. This was a challenge to capitolistic society, when she found Rochestor’s mad wife was still living, Jane decided to go and kept her self-respect and dignity. This testified the peinciple Jane always kept . She could not break her rule and peinciple of life, she had no chioce but to go and her going made her rebellious character develop deeper.
  All the things mentioned above give us a full view of Jane’s character. Her rebellious character left a deep impression in people’s mind, and made people remember Jane Eyre foreven.
  [1]Jane eyre. Charlote Bronte Oxford University press, 1980, P37.
  [3]Journal of the Northwest Normal UniversityVOL,31 NO.1
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