本院收治一例因哮喘服黑锡丹120付,导致中度铅中毒,报告如下。 病史摘要 患者××,女,19岁,工人。住院号4995。 主诉:近两个月头晕、乏力、失眠、多梦、食欲减退,因腹绞痛于1977年4月27日急症入院。 患者因患哮喘病已七年之久,就医后服黑锡丹,每日一钱服20付后,即感头晕、乏力、失眠、多梦、食欲减退,但哮喘有明显好转,嗣后不定期地日服二付。当服至60付后,上述症状加重,但仍能坚持工作。曾去某医院治疗,诊断为贫血(血色素7g),服用铁剂未见好转。于入院前无何诱因,却突感下腹痛,以脐周为甚,持续疼痛,阵发性加
This hospital admitted to a case of 120 due to asthma suits black sedan, resulting in moderate lead poisoning, the report is as follows. A summary of the history of patients × ×, female, 19 years old, workers. Hospital number 4995. Chief Complaint: Dizziness, weakness, insomnia, dreams, loss of appetite in the past two months due to abdominal pain in April 27, 1977 emergency admission. Patients suffering from asthma has been for seven years, after taking medical treatment with black Sidan, a Qianfu 20 pay after a day, that feeling dizzy, fatigue, insomnia, dreams, loss of appetite, but asthma was significantly improved, then irregular Earth day service two pay. When the service to pay 60, the above symptoms worse, but still able to work. Had to a hospital for treatment, diagnosis of anemia (hemoglobin 7g), taking iron did not improve. No incentive before admission, but suddenly felt the next abdominal pain, to the umbilical weeks is very, sustained pain, paroxysmal plus