1 病例报告 例1:男,40岁。因从高处跳下,双足着地,数分钟后感胸闷、咳嗽、左胸疼痛,第三天上述症状加重就诊。胸片示左侧液气胸,液平面平锁骨中线第四肋骨下缘、胸穿抽出血液1000ml,气体500ml。抽后患者症状与体征明显减轻。1小时后出现剧烈咳嗽,咳白色泡沫样痰、气急、左肺布满湿罗音。床边胸透见左肺复张,且有斑片状阴影。经50%酒精雾化吸氧,静脉注射氨茶碱、速尿、地塞米松后,1小时症状消失,2天后摄胸片仅见左肋膈角变钝,左肺斑片阴影消失。
1 Case Report Example 1: Male, 40 years old. Because of jumped from the top, feet on the ground, chest tightness after a few minutes, cough, left chest pain, the third day of the above symptoms aggravated. Chest X-ray showed left liquid pneumothorax, liquid level flat clavicle in the fourth lower edge of the ribs, chest wear out of the blood 1000ml, gas 500ml. After pumping the patient’s symptoms and signs significantly reduced. 1 hour after a severe cough, cough white foam-like sputum, shortness of breath, left lung covered with moist rales. Chest chest see through the chest lung complications, and patchy shadows. 50% alcohol aerosol inhalation, intravenous aminophylline, furosemide, dexamethasone, 1 hour symptoms disappear, 2 days after the chest radiograph only left dullness of the left costal diaphragm, left lung shadow disappears.