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By modifying the salicylic-acid moiety with electron-withdrawing or –donating groups, three new terbium complexes(L~Ⅰ·Tb, L~(Ⅱ)·Tb, L·~(Ⅲ)Tb) based on tr
Radical detection has attracted significant attention recently. Here we have developed a scaffold through covalent assembly principle(OR570), which could facile
It is firmly demonstrated in experiment that the self-absorption(SA) effect can lead to the extinction of the zero-phonon line and the first-order longitudinal
Rhodamine-based fluorescent probe is widely used in chemical analysis, environmental analysis and life sciences area due to their excellent optical properties.
极限研究的是数列和函数在无限过程中的变化趋势,从无限回归到有限是读者猜测一组数列不等式的指导思想.在重要极限 The ultimate study is the tendency of the series and
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A new fluorescent probe(Rhod-Sec) for selenol detection with ultralow background fluorescence have been developed in this paper, which showed a 380-fold off-on
近日,住房和城乡建设部发布2013年第218号公告,批准《单层防水卷材屋面工程技术规程》为行业标准,编号为JGJ/T 316—2013,自2014年6月1日起实施。该规程由住房和城乡建设部标