朝鲜近日成立了一支职业篮球队,从而进一步加强了其欲借远投在篮坛占据至高位置的勃勃雄心。 朝鲜最高领导人金正日命名这支篮球队为“台风队”,据朝鲜新闻社报道,这支球队“肯定会在世界篮坛掀起波澜”。但它没有说这支职业队建立于何时。 朝鲜今年早些时候让其2.32米的球星李明勋带着加盟NBA的目的,到加拿大训练,这一举动使世界篮坛为之一惊。 据《劳动新闻》报道,朝鲜一家官方报纸8月1日报道说,金正日“就如何在尽可能短的时间里将篮球水平提高一个更高层次给大家上了宝贵的一课”。这家报纸还说,朝鲜球员因此制定了一个在不远的将来要在世界篮坛确立至高无上地位的大胆目标。此外,金正日还“就如何建立一个将重点放在远投以适应我国人民身体特征的快速打法体系,发表了重要讲话”。
North Korea recently set up a professional basketball team, which further strengthened its desire to take long shots occupy the highest position of the ambitious ambitions. North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong Il named the basketball team “the typhoon team,” and the Northwestern News Agency reported that the team “will surely wave in the world basketball.” But it did not say when the professional team was founded. Earlier this year North Korea made its 2.32-meter star, Lee Myung-Hoon, go to Canada for training with the goal of joining the NBA, a move that surprised the world basketball community. According to the “Labor News” report, an official North Korean newspaper reported on August 1 that Kim Jong-il “took a valuable lesson on how to raise basketball to a higher level in the shortest possible time.” The newspaper also said North Korean players therefore set a bold goal of establishing supremacy in world basketball in the near future. In addition, Kim Jong Il also “delivered an important speech on how to establish a system of quick play that focuses on long shots and adapts to the physical characteristics of our people.”