
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h762106005
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近年来,流窜犯罪,成为对社会治安危害日益严重的一大公害。由于流窜犯罪的迅速发展变化,给公安机关的打击处理造成了一定的困难,主要有三点:一是发现难。流窜犯罪分子大多有前科,具有一定的反侦察技能,在案件管辖上又是人案分离,给侦察工作造成了一定的难度,加上基础管理工作相对薄弱,动态管理体制尚未建立等原因,造成流窜犯罪分子难于发现。二是查证难。主要包括:查找受害人难,获取同案犯口供难,赃款赃物追缴难,寻找证人证言难,获取前科劣迹、活动情况难。三是处理难。流窜犯罪分子危害大,影响恶劣,客观上要求对流窜犯从重从快打击,但从重打击于法无据,从快处理受到诸多限制。国家没有从立法角度给流窜犯赋予科学的定义,流窜犯的概念仅仅停留在学理解释和公安机关侦察工作上,没有让流 In recent years, the crime of committing crimes has become a public nuisance to the increasingly serious public order of public order. Due to the rapid development and change of crime of passing through, the crackdown to the public security organs has caused some difficulties. There are mainly three things: First, it is difficult to find out. Most of the criminals who flee the criminal have a criminal record and have some anti-reconnaissance skills. They also separate the case from the case jurisdiction and create some difficulties for reconnaissance. Coupled with the relatively weak foundation management and the dynamic management system that have not been established yet, Crimes criminals are hard to find. Second, verification difficult. Mainly include: find victims difficult to obtain confessions with the accomplices is difficult to recover the stolen goods stolen money difficult to find witness testimony is difficult to obtain the prejudices, activities difficult. Third, deal with difficulties. Crimes committed by criminals are so harmful and badly affected that objectively require that convection and channeling prisoners should be dealt with in a quick and heavy blow but with a heavy blow to law and no evidence and fast handling. The state did not give the infringing people a scientific definition from a legislative perspective. The notion of infringing people only stayed on the theoretical explanation and the reconnaissance work of public security organs,
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