目的了解广州市城区儿童支气管哮喘(哮喘)、变应性鼻炎及湿疹等变应性疾病的流行状况,为今后儿童变应性疾病防治工作提供科学依据。方法采用多阶抽样的方法抽取广州市社区0~14岁儿童4 072名,通过变应性疾病国际通用的Internatio-nal Study of Asthma and Athergies in Childhood(ISAAC)调查书面问卷的核心问卷对儿童哮喘、变应性鼻炎及湿疹等变应性疾病患病情况进行调查,了解儿童变应性疾病的患病情况。采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计学分析。结果儿童哮喘患病率为2.09%,男女患病率之比为1.591.00,其中2~6岁儿童患病率最高,首次发作年龄<3岁者占60.00%。变应性鼻炎患病率为7.83%,3岁后逐渐上升,以6~9岁儿童发病率较高。儿童湿疹患病率为7.22%,且随年龄增加逐渐降低。哮喘并变应性鼻炎占34.83%,并湿疹占19.10%。结论广州市社区儿童变应性疾病患病率呈上升趋势。
Objective To understand the prevalence of allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma (asthma), allergic rhinitis and eczema in urban areas of Guangzhou, and to provide a scientific basis for future prevention and treatment of allergic diseases in children. Methods A total of 4 072 children aged 0-14 years from Guangzhou community were enrolled in this study. The core questionnaires of the Internatio-nal Study of Asthma and Athergies in Childhood (ISAAC) , Allergic rhinitis and eczema and other allergic diseases prevalence survey to understand the prevalence of allergic diseases in children. SPSS 13.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results The prevalence rate of childhood asthma was 2.09%. The prevalence rate of male to female was 1.591.00. The prevalence rate of children aged 2-6 years was the highest. The first attack age was less than 3 years, accounting for 60.00%. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis was 7.83%, after 3 years of age gradually increased to 6 to 9 years old children with a higher incidence. The prevalence of eczema in children was 7.22%, and gradually decreased with age. Asthma and allergic rhinitis accounted for 34.83%, and eczema accounted for 19.10%. Conclusion The prevalence of allergic diseases in children in Guangzhou community is on the rise.