
来源 :军事历史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:u482366
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军队总体结构是军队宏观的构成形式。科学、合理的军队总体结构,对于发挥军队的整体效能,提高军队的整体作战能力起着极为重要的作用。军队总体结构也是按照其自身的规律不断向前发展的:一是在一定历史阶段具有相对的稳定性。二是武器装备的发展变革是其发展演变的直接推动 The overall structure of the armed forces is the macro form of the army. A scientific and rational overall military structure plays an extremely important role in bringing the overall effectiveness of the military and enhancing the overall combat capability of the military. The overall structure of the army is also constantly moving forward according to its own laws: First, it has a relatively stable nature at a certain historical stage. Second, the development and transformation of the weaponry and equipment are the direct impetus to its development and evolution
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By calculating the azimuth, phase angle and change rate of tidal force, and contrasting their rupture types, we find that in 6 of 11 reverse faulting earthquake
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新年新地图,天梯&GSL新图祥解 12月20日,星际2天梯正式更新了第五赛季并且替换了2张新图。以下两张地图将被移除:-(4l深渊巨窟-(4)奈拉齐姆地穴 将被以下地图替换:-(2)干旱高地 官网评
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适应军事斗争准备的要求 ,应把教育的着眼点放在“仗怎么打 ,教育就怎么搞”上 ,把教育的立足点放在适应“真打”、“打赢”上 ,把教育的根本点放在激励官兵随时准备遂行对敌
加强思想政治工作军事价值的研究 ,对新时期思想政治工作为我军革命化、现代化、正规化建设服务 ,有着十分重要的时代价值。本文从价值学的角度探讨思想政治工作对军事发展的