Teens tutor others online during the pandemic 高中生疫情期间提供在线辅导

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  Charvi Goyal is a high school student from Dallas, Texas who helps out other classmates by tutoring them between classes. When Goyals high school moved online last spring because of the coronavirus crisis, she decided to take her teaching online. The 17?year?old junior and three of her fellow students created TutorScope, a service that offers free tutoring services to other children, including younger ones.
  TutorScope started with a small number of tutors who helped young people in their city. But it has grown into a group of 22 tutors from Texas, Arizona, and Ohio. They have helped more than 300 students, some from as far away as the Republic of Korea.
  TutorScope aims to give the one?on?one help that teachers have traditionally given while walking around their classrooms. But now, many teachers cannot provide that one?on?one support because they lack time or have issues with technology.
  Sarah Newman said her children, 7?year?old twins, have had helpful TutorScope experiences. The service has freed her and her 17?year?old son to pay attention to their work. “With these tutors, I realize they have time,” she said. “I think they are very patient with these younger kids, which I do not even have as a mother. I have patience in other things, but I dont have patience with teaching.” TutorScope is not the first non?profit to give online tutoring.
  People around the world have come up with ways to educate children during the coronavirus crisis, from a teacher in Nigeria who grades homework to a so?called sidewalk school in Mexico. What makes the TutorScope special is the connection between the teenage volunteers and the other students they are helping.
  In addition to helping others, the tutors also get experience themselves that will look great on a college or job application. The service can also help them decide whether they want to teach full?time or run a business or an NGO someday.
  Has Charvi Goyal earned any money by her online programme? Why?
Gone were but the Winter,  Come were but the Spring,  I would go to a covert  Where the birds sing;  Where in the whitethorn  Singeth a thrush,  And a robin sings  In the holly?鄄bush.  Full of fresh s
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汤姆和他的两位小伙伴一起来到了岛上,岛上的一切都散发着自由的  [难词探意]  1. wander /?w?nd?(r)/ v. 漫步;漫游  2. silly /?s?li/ adj. 愚蠢的;冒傻气的  气息。他们的荒岛生活也由此拉开序幕……  When Tom woke up, he didnt recognize where he was. It took him a few second
【摘 要】 MOOCs(大规模开放在线课程)是一种新兴的教学模式,对教育改革产生了重大影响。我国学者对MOOCs的理论研究起步于2012年,而实践探索则稍晚一些。本文以中国知网收录的177篇CSSCI来源期刊论文为样本,采用信息计量学及其可视化展示方法,对国内MOOCs研究的网络结构和聚类主题进行知识图谱分析,较为全面地展示了研究机构及其所属作者群体的分布情况、作者及其所发论文主题的共现网络、核心
在一次徒步旅行中,本文的主人公發现一只极美的天鹅,但是这只天鹅不能发出声音。  When Ariel Cordova-Rojas rode her bike to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York, last November, she planned to go hiking and bird-watching. Bingo! A m
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【摘 要】 项目教学是在计算机应用软件类课程中常用的教学模式,即学生在教师的指导下通过完成独立的项目来掌握学习内容,解决现实场景中的真实问题,实现学习目标。“计算机图文设计”课程在教学实践中,采用翻转课堂的组织形式开展项目教学,把课程内容重新整编为不同层次的项目,把教学过程划分为课前准备、课堂交流实践、课后总结评价三个阶段,强调教师的专业和技术素养,重视课前的资源设计,强调学生有目的地收集资料和主