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将水泥土挡墙简化为竖直放置的弹性地基梁,对作用于挡墙上的土压力按荷载函数进行处理,在此基础上建立了水泥土挡墙挠曲变形的微分方程,进而给出了一种计算水泥土挡墙位移的有效方法。 The cement-soil retaining wall is simplified as a vertically-placed elastic foundation beam, and the earth pressure acting on the retaining wall is processed according to the load function. On this basis, the differential equation of the flexural deformation of the cement-soil retaining wall is established, and then given An effective method for calculating the displacement of cement-cement retaining walls.
菲菲渴望张爱玲笔下那种爱情,在这个城市,她希望演绎一段倾城之恋。  这是不现实的,闺蜜们纷纷调侃,范柳原虽然并不是什么好东西,但时下连这种不那么好的东西似乎也已绝种了,所以,还是早点放下所谓的罗曼蒂克吧,白流苏都屈服了,你菲菲就算再美貌如花,也抵不过如今巴掌大一块地,更别提倾国倾城了。  这话虽然有点过火,但菲菲也并不反对,这么多年了,因为房价的彪悍飞升,自己一直是一位白领租客,没有一个好的环境,