颜晓川:本科毕业于美国麻省理工学院(MIT),是2007年四川省高中毕业生中首个考上该校本科的学生。在MIT修读过工程、物理、经济、管理,还在哈佛法学院学习过三个学期。曾在美国JP Morgan、中国国家开发银行、加州高阶法院实习。著有四卷本的《一位麻省理工学生的采访笔记:世界百余学界权威谈专业》(“理学卷”“工学卷”已经于2013年12月由江苏教育出版社出版,“商学卷”“人文社科卷”即将于2014年年中出版)。
Yan Xiaochuan: Bachelor graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is the first high school graduate in Sichuan Province in 2007 admitted to the school undergraduate students. Studied engineering, physics, economics, management at MIT and also studied at Harvard Law School for three semesters. In the United States JP Morgan, China Development Bank, California High Court internship. There are four volumes of “a MIT interview notes: the world’s more than one hundred academic authority on professional” ( “Science Volume ” “Engineering Volume ” has been published by Jiangsu Education Press in December 2013 , “Business Volume”, “Humanities and Social Sciences Volume” will be published in mid-2014).