或许是乘着“电脑走进千家万户”的高速列车,从去年年初开始,“村”里大大小小的门市又多了“手写输入”这一道独特的风景。说独特,是因为它并没有成为计算机用户必备的外设,却同样由于市场规模的迅速扩张和丰厚的利润回报吸引众多厂商纷纷折腰。 纵观手写输入市场,早在1993年前后,台湾的一些厂商曾问鼎国内市场,但在家用电脑市场远未拓开的大环境下,其应者也寥寥。直到1997年,摩托
Perhaps riding on a high-speed train with computers going into the tens of thousands of households, from the beginning of last year, the large and small retail outlets in the “village” added a unique handwriting input. It is unique because it has not become a must-have peripheral for computer users, but it has also attracted many manufacturers because of the rapid expansion of the market size and the lucrative return on profits. Throughout the handwriting input market, as early as around 1993, some Taiwanese manufacturers had acclaimed the domestic market, but in the environment where the home computer market is far from being extended, its responders are paralyzed. Until 1997, motorcycles