一、前言自D. V. Isaacs首次提出打桩时有波动现象以及自1962年E. A. L. Smith首次将一维波动方程进行数值解并用之于实际以来,这个方法的应用在国内外日益为人们所重视。在美国它的直用推广很快,可以说,出现了凡是较大的打桩工程都要应用动力测试的趋势,并且一些先进的监测、处理与分析仪器系统和计算机软、硬件系统已经商品化。1983年5月16日~19日在美国的费城召开了以波动方程的应用为主要内容的桩的动力测试。除了美国的专业人员
I. INTRODUCTION Since D. V. Isaacs first proposed the phenomenon of fluctuations in pile driving and since 1962 E. A. L. Smith first numerically solved the one-dimensional wave equation and used it in practice, the application of this method has been increasingly valued at home and abroad. In the United States, it has been promoted very quickly. It can be said that there is a tendency for all large piling works to apply dynamic tests, and some advanced monitoring, processing and analysis instrument systems and computer software and hardware systems have been commercialized. From May 16th to 19th, 1983, a power test was conducted in Philadelphia, USA, with the application of the wave equation as the main content. In addition to American professionals