曾有人告诉我说,闽北出租车的“形象大使”非杨武莫属,他所开的邵武——武夷山的“黄面”,也成为众口皆碑的闪光旗帜。 一个偶然的机会,朋友告诉我杨武来福州办事。我要了杨武的电话号码,说明了缘由,我如约而至,一睹杨武“庐山真面目”。果不其然,杨武的言谈举止以及他的事迹,无不流露出一名优秀司机所体现出的那种情怀。 他说,从开车的第一天起,他就把为人民服务和自己的本职工作联系起来,做到耐心、热情、周到。这其中,和他本身具有
Someone once told me that the “ambassadors” of taxis in northern Fujian are not non-Yang Wu, and the “yellow side” of Shaowu-Wuyishan that he has opened has also become a flash flag of public praise. A chance by chance, my friend told me Yang Wu to work in Fuzhou. I asked Yang Wu’s phone number, explains the reason, I as promised, to see Yang Wu “Lushan true colors.” As a matter of course, Yang Wu’s demeanor and his deeds, all reveal the kind of feelings shown by a good driver. He said that from the very first day of driving, he has brought the service of the people into line with his own work and has been patient, enthusiastic and thoughtful. This one, and he has it