祖国医学是我国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。祖国医学史上有许多卓识成就,回顾这些成就,对我国中西医结合和中医学的发展都将具有重要的意义。 1 急症与急救 祖国医学对急救学有着丰富的内容,早在《内经》里就记有“薄厥”、“大厥”、“尸厥”的证候。其描述颇似现代医学的脑血管意外,即中风的证候。《素问·缪刺论篇》对“尸厥”提出了较为详细的急救方法:“刺其足大趾内侧爪甲上,去端如韭叶(隐白穴),后刺足心(涌泉穴)……”。
The medicine of the motherland is a summary of the people’s experience in fighting the disease for a long time. In the history of the motherland, there are many outstanding achievements. Reviewing these achievements will be of great significance to the development of integrated Chinese and Western medicine and the development of Chinese medicine. 1 Emergency and First Aid The motherland medicine has a rich content in emergency medicine. As early as in the Internal Classic, it recorded the syndromes of “thinness”, “big worry” and “corporeal death”. Its description is similar to the cerebrovascular accident of modern medicine, namely the syndrome of stroke. “Su Qiao 缪 thorny articles” put forward a more detailed first-aid method for the “corpse corpse”: “stab the inside of the big toe claws, go to the end of the lotus leaves (hidden white hole), after the thorns heart Spring Cave)......”.