
来源 :航空兵器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liouxing1984
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引言固体火箭发动机装药是高分子化合物。它在各种环境温度、湿度下,经受搬运等各种形式的振动冲击,多年贮存,需要时才能使用。在贮存过程中,包覆层与装药成份的互相渗透、装药表面有硝化甘油等成份渗出,这样内弹道数据随着时间的推移而变化。若性能变化超出了所需的指标,使用时就不能满足要求,将会影响导弹的性能。定型的产品,了解掌握装药性能的变化量,对保证产品的质量是非常有用的。本文是根据某空-空导弹固体火箭发动机装药双芳镁-3双基药主要内弹道数据的变化量进行了统计、估算,并做了一定量的验证试验。 Introduction Solid rocket motor charge is a polymer compound. It under various ambient temperature and humidity, to withstand various forms of handling shocks, storage for many years, when needed to use. In the process of storage, the coating and the drug ingredient penetrate each other, and the surface of the drug is exuded with components such as nitroglycerin, so that the internal ballistic data changes with the passage of time. If the performance changes beyond the required indicators, the use can not meet the requirements, will affect the missile’s performance. Stereotyped products, understand the changes in the amount of the charge of the drug, to ensure the quality of the product is very useful. This article is based on aero-air missile solid rocket motor charge bis-aryl magnesium-3 double base drug main changes in the amount of internal ballistics statistics, estimates, and made a certain amount of validation test.
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法正在为100毫米舰炮研制末端制导炮弹。这种炮弹采用较大的战斗部和新的近炸引信。弹上装有红外敏威器。达种红外敏感器能承受 Law is developing terminal-guided rounds
AIM: To assess the prevalence of the two mutations, C282Y and H63D of HFE gene, in healthy subjects, patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC), and patients with