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美丽的女人有两种,一种是空洞的,你会被她完美的五官,诱人的肌肤唤起本能的冲动,但仅此而已且通常很短暂;另一种是流动的,有时是涓涓的流水,有时又会波澜四起,总会让你的神经末梢受到大大小小的震撼!简单点说,后者不光具备美好的形式,还具有令人难忘的内容。音乐和女人是一样的,需要细细品味才可以领悟到它的“美丽”。想起在黑格尔的客观唯心主义体系里,他认为人类认识绝对真理有三种方式,最初级的方式是艺术;较高一级是宗教;而最高级的认识方式是哲学。在我心里,对音乐的评价也是有等级的,更确切一点说我认为音乐的美是有层次的。首先,它应当好听,当然不同的人对“好听”这个概念的解释是大相径庭的(单挑出来讲,又可以是一篇文章)我仅仅是站在创作者的角度上只想说一点——音乐不光是自娱自乐的饭后甜点,它绝对需要考虑到听者的感受和双方在美感意义上需要达成的默契。做到这一点,最需要的是opening!作为创作者,需要积累的是各 There are two beautiful women, one is empty, and you are evoke instinctive impulses from her perfect facial features, tempting skin, but it’s usually and only briefly; the other is fluid, sometimes tricky Water, and sometimes waves, will always make your nerve endings shocked, large and small! Simply put, the latter not only has a beautiful form, but also has an unforgettable content. Music and women are the same, you need to savor it to understand its “beauty.” Remembered in Hegel’s objective idealism system, he believes that there are three ways of human understanding of absolute truth, the most basic way is art; the higher level is religion; and the most advanced way of understanding is philosophy. In my heart, the evaluation of music is also a grade, more precisely, I think the beauty of music is a hierarchy. First of all, it should be nice. Of course, different people have very different interpretations of the notion of “nice” (in the case of singling out, it can be an article). I just want to say something just from the creator’s point of view - Music is not just a fun dessert, it definitely takes into account the listener’s feelings and the two sides need to reach a tacit understanding in the sense of beauty. To do this, the most needed is the opening! As creators, what we need to accumulate is each
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