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灯光摇曳的幽暗酒吧,要上一杯黑咖啡,点上一支香烟;然后任整个人疲倦地陷在沙发中,在空中飘荡的音乐中你将会遇见谁?比莉·哈乐黛还是阿姆斯特朗?宏大的教堂,伴着信徒们虔诚的祷告词;在十字架下感怀圣子的鲜血时,你猜又将遇见谁呢?是我们伟大的老巴赫,还是蒙特威尔第?雨后潮湿的街角,在酸涩的空气中与闲荡的失业者擦肩而过;街道的另一头还蹲着一个年老的乞丐。你还会遇见谁?我希望你会遇见拿着破吉它的 B·B·King 老头,让他为你唱一唱生命的痛苦与欢乐。因为我便是在上个世纪这样一个街角遇见了他。那年我17岁,学习不怎么样的我却经常逃学。总喜欢夹着本陀思妥也夫斯基的小说四处闲荡。那天和往常一样,我下午又没去上学,准备到市中心新开的书店去逛逛,顺便避开我至今憎恨及厌恶的数学课。在那条阴冷的街道,当街角音像店里传出 B·B·King 苍老,凄缓的声音时,我才明白原来音乐真的可以毫无阻碍的直达心灵。能够使人窒息的魅力从那把苍老的声音和完美的吉它和弦里向你逼来,歌声中讲述的是一个黑人凄凉而又痛苦的生命。而歌者早已与歌中的故事化为一体,痛苦中沉沦的生命使人为之心酸不已。中国古人常说“如泣如诉”由此得矣!而在那一刻,这份无尽的感动便好似只为我而存在。一曲毕之,我做的第一件事,便是冲进店里,几乎掏光了身上所有的钱,买下了我拥有的第一张 B·B·King 专辑《Live at The Regal》。许多年后,我一直在想当初对布鲁斯音乐一无所知的我,为何会喜欢上 B·B·King 呢?也许答案正如 B·B·King 老头常说的“如 Dark bar swaying lights, to a cup of black coffee, lit a cigarette; and then let the whole man tired to fall in the sofa, in the air floating music you will meet who? Billy Harold or Armstrong? The grand church accompanied by the devout prayers of believers; who, under the cross, was feeling the blood of the Son, who would you meet again, our great old Bach, or the wet corner of Monteverde, Passing in the sour air with the idle unemployed; the other end of the street is still squatting with an old beggar. Who else would you meet? I hope you meet the old, elder brother of B · B King who broke the guitar and let him sing the pain and joy of life for you. Because I met him at such a corner of the last century. I was 17 years old that year, I did not study very well, but I often truancy. Always like to sandwiched by this Dostoyevsky’s novels wandering around. That day, as usual, I did not go to school in the afternoon and was ready to go to a newly opened bookstore in the city center, by the way, to avoid math classes I hate and hate so far. When the dark, mournful voice of BB King came out on the cold street in the corner audio store, I realized that the music really went straight to the heart without any hindrance. The choking charisma comes to you from the old voice and the perfect guitar chords. The song tells the story of a bleak, painful life for a Negro. The singer has long been with the story of the song into one, the suffering of the sinking of life makes people sad. The ancients in ancient China often say, ”Weep as you complain.“ And at that moment, this endless move seems to exist only for me. The first thing I did was to rush into the store, almost dig out all the money, and bought my first ever HB King album ”Live at The Regal" . Many years later, I was wondering why I would have liked BB King if I had no idea of ​​Bruce music at all. Perhaps the answer was as old as BB King said
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本刊讯由北京朝阳区安慧里中心小学组建的北京少儿银帆民乐四团于近日在北京剧院举办音乐会。音乐会上 ,80余名小乐手演奏了几首大型民族器乐合奏曲《渔舟唱晚》《登山》《小小
1999 年,油松大小蠹(学名待定)在山西省许多地区的油松林内暴发成灾,对30年生或胸径12 cm 以上的油松危害极大,造成了严重损失。该虫为害油松系首次发现。其成虫大多在距根基部1 m 以内的树干