上世纪60年代,党中央发出号召,知识青年上山下乡。一时间,成千上万的知识青年远离家人,奔赴祖国各地农村,用青春书写了一段波澜壮阔的历史。 30多年过去了,2002年,新疆维吾尔自治区党委再次发出号召,动员地方有志大中专生到新疆生产建设兵团去创业,一时间大批大中专毕业生,怀着信念与理想,背上行李,来到兵团农场承包土地,开始了新时代“新知青”的梦想与追求。
In the 1960s, the Central Party Committee issued a call for knowledgeable youth to go to the countryside for work. For a time, tens of thousands of young people with knowledge traveled far away from their families and went to the rural areas throughout the motherland, writing a magnificent history with youth. More than 30 years later, in 2002, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee once again issued a call to mobilize local aspiring college students to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps to start a large number of college graduates for a time, with faith and ideals, back luggage, Came to Corps Farm contracted land, began a new era of “new educated youth” dream and pursuit.