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  Interviewer: Nomads, by definition, get around a lot. They move so much that their whole lives are defined by being on the road. Nomadic families, in turn, don’t follow the same rhythms and patterns of life that many of us do. Take Zoah Hedges-Stocks. She comes from a family that’s part of a unique nomadic culture in England, Britain’s community of travelling showmen. I’m talking about families that have been part of travelling carnivals across the country for centuries; “1)carnies,” basically. But Zoah is breaking the mold.
  And Zoah, you are the first member of your family to go to university, and not just any university. You’ve graduated from Cambridge. You studied or read, as they say, history with the top grade in that field, so congratulations.
  Zoah: Thank you very much, Marco.
  Interviewer: So I just want to understand how significant an achievement this is, and we really should understand how big a mold you’re breaking. How far back does your family go in the carnival business?
  Zoah: Well, I’ve studied history so I take a keen interest in my family’s background, and I’ve traced it back personally to 1821, and that’s where records get a bit hazy, because a lot of people were illiterate, and obviously we were travelling around.
  Interviewer: So what are the kind of carnivals that you guys do? Describe them. Are they at all like American carnivals?
  Zoah: Well, for instance, my mother and I sell 2)candy floss, cotton candy, and candy apples. My uncle has a set of, er, 3)dodgems, and we have the sort of big funfair rides and games that you see travelling from town to town. Interviewer: So how did your childhood differ from most British children?
  Zoah: Basically from April to September I was away from school, living in a 4)trailer, travelling from town to town each week and working on the fair.
  Interviewer: So how did you go to school and when did you go to school?
  Zoah: In the winter months my family have lived in the same small town for 50 years, so I would do the first two terms of the, at school, then my teachers would send me away with a big pile of books, and I would study at home in the summer.
  Interviewer: So, Zoah, tell me what inspired you to study at Cambridge?
  Zoah: Well, I enjoyed going to school and learning, so I really enjoyed history at school, and teachers said that I was doing quite well and that I should consider university. And I’d always gone to Cambridge with the funfair every year at the 5)Midsummer Fair, so it was the only university I knew. And then I realized that actually it was one of the best in the world after Harvard, and that actually it would probably be quite difficult to get there. If I was going to do it, if I was going to break from tradition and do something entirely new for my family, I was going to do it as well as I could.   Interviewer: What was it like when, you know, you’ve gone through the…the years at university and suddenly you’re graduating. How did your parents react?
  Zoah: My mother was most worried about whether or not she ought to wear a hat. My mother decided that she wouldn’t wear 6)mascara, because she would just spend the whole day crying.
  Interviewer: Oh, gosh. I’ve gotta ask you this, and it’s something my own Dad asked me after I graduated with a degree in history. What are you gonna do now?
  Zoah: I’ve got a place on a journalism course with the Press Association in London in January. Between now and then I will be working on the funfair, because my mother would shoot me if I didn’t help, and I’m also working on my first novel.
  Interviewer: Well, Zoah Hedges-Stocks, it’s been great meeting you and to speak with you. Thanks so much.
   Travelling Funfair and Travelling Showmen
  A travelling funfair (UK English) or carnival (North American English) is a small to medium sized travelling show where people pay to ride on various machines for amusement or try to win prizes in games. A travelling funfair contains a mixture of attractions, usually including adult or thrill rides, children’s rides, sideshows and sidestalls offering various games or food.
  Funfairs derive from fairs for goods trading in the Middle Ages. Throughout the centuries, the trade arm diminished as the amusement side increased. In the UK, many larger towns host travelling fairs at specific times of the year. There are some ancient and famous fairs, such as King’s Lynn Mart, Nottingham Goose Fair, Mop Fairs, etc.
  The people who organize and operate the traveling funfair, known as traveling showmen, usually take it from one place to another. The showmen’s sense of community is strong. They are proud of their heritage and have their own language. The community is closely knit and somewhat insular(孤立的). This by definition makes running fairgrounds a family business passed down through the generations.
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