曾在多项经济指标上位列亚洲四条小龙之首的台湾,2004年的人均GDP,竟然被长期位居末位的韩国超越了,这个变化,让许多我认识的台湾朋友感到错愕、不解、甚至震撼。大约10年前,当时执政的国民党政府, 提出要将台湾发展成“亚太营运中心”的构想。这个构想的理论基础是,随着全球化时代的到来及中国大陆经济的迅猛发展,台湾长期以劳力密集产业为主的发展形态必须调整,朝作为一个亚太地区的服务业中心方向转型。换个角度理解,当中国大陆逐渐成为一个全球制造中心的时候,台湾以其优越的地缘条件及作为大
Taiwan, which ranked first among the four Asian dragons on various economic indicators, even exceeded the long-standing South Korea in per capita GDP in 2004. This change has stunned and acquittled many Taiwanese friends I know. Even shocked. About 10 years ago, the then Kuomintang government put forward the idea of developing Taiwan into an “Asia-Pacific operating center.” The rationale for this idea is that with the advent of the globalization era and the rapid economic development in mainland China, the pattern of Taiwan’s long-term development of labor-intensive industries must be re-oriented and transformed toward an Asia-Pacific service center. From another perspective, as China gradually became a global manufacturing center, Taiwan, with its superior geographical conditions and as a large