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被美国《福布斯》杂志列为中国内地富豪排行榜第11位的传奇投资商李晓华,出生于北京的一个普通工人家庭,他插过队,回城烧过锅炉,当过炊事员,改革开放之初成了中国内地第一代个体户,现在又成为国内外知名的大富豪之一。他的致富诀窍是什么?解析其成功路上的足迹,可以用五句话来概括:求变求新,惠人利己,敢冒风险,坚定信心,以快制胜。 Li Xiaohua, a legendary investor listed as the eleventh for the Forbes China by the Forbes magazine in the United States, was born in an ordinary worker’s home in Beijing. He crossed the team and returned to the city to burn the boiler, work as a cook, and reform and open Became the first generation of self-employed in mainland China, and now it has become one of the well-known big rich at home and abroad. What is his riches? Analysis of its success on the road footprint, you can use five words to sum up: seeking change, benefiting others, dare to take risks, confidence, to quickly win.
Discharge of wastewater from the retaining pond of a Pb ore-flotation plant since 1967 and breaching of the retaining pond in April 1998 contaminated 17540 cbm
Seven top-layer representative sediment samples were took from the Wenruitanghe River from upstream to downstream. Spatial distribution of nitrification and den
"管中窥豹",喻其所见之浅也;"涉海探骊",喻其得来之难也。然而,看完不算很厚的《管窥探骊集》文稿,我想到的两句评价却是:"文如其人"和"厚积薄发"。  其人者谁?本书作者李明是也。李明是我的同事也是文友,可以说近二十年来,我是他文字生涯的一个目击者和见证人。看着他由青年而壮年的成长,读着他由粗放到精熟的文章,我每每有"后来者居上"的欣喜和感喟。  李明下过乡,参过军,读过大学,最后选择的职业是记
The observed characteristics of lower atmospheric ducts over the South China Sea(SCS) were analyzed based on Global Position Systerm(GPS) radiosonde data collec
手术前栓塞一侧门静脉(preoperative portal vein embolization, PVE)是近年肝脏外科的新进展,可以使对侧肝叶增生肥大,增加将来肝癌切除后残留肝脏(future liver remnant, FLR)的体积,提高肝癌的切除率,降低手术后的并发症。
中国共产党党员 ,193 6年参加革命 ,原中国科学院上海生物化学研究所研究员、享局级离休干部、《生物化学与生物物理学报》顾问徐京华同志因病长期医治无效 ,于 2 0 0 3年 1
The younger granitoids of the Shalatin district in the Southeastern Desert of Egypt, are of biotite and two-mica granite compositions. The geochemistry of rare-
The taxonomy, age and environment status of the Yuanmou hominoids had been contro-versial since their discovery. We launched new ex-cavations and investigations