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在西方哲学发展的历史长河中,怀疑论作为推动人类获取知识的驱动器一直存在。怀疑论是对人类获取知识的挑战,实践的生活态度到怀疑的生活态度,对客观世界和客观真理是否存在、能否认识表示怀疑的哲学学说,从而对当前的知识现状产生怀疑,继而不断推动人类不断探索未知领域。从某些程度而言,怀疑论可以说是人类进步获取知识的主要动力之一。 In the long history of the development of western philosophy, skepticism has been the driving force for promoting human knowledge acquisition. Skepticism is a philosophical theory that challenges humankind’s access to knowledge, life attitude towards practice, life attitude to doubt, doubts about the existence of an objective world and objective truth, and thus doubts the status quo of current knowledge, and then continuously promotes Humans continue to explore unknown areas. To some extent, skepticism can be said to be one of the major motivations for human progress to acquire knowledge.
摘要:本文旨在探讨在教学实践中,教师如何以教材中的阅读教学为平台,引导学生将领悟到的写作方法合理运用到自己的习作之中,使学生得法于课内,受益于课外,从而更加科学有效地帮助学生形成写作技巧。  关键词:教材;深度解读;把握时机;形成技巧  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)24-056-1  鲁迅先生说:“凡是已有定评的大作家,他的作品全都就说明着‘应该