
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nalbuphine
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2005年是世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年。发生在60年前的那场战争,殃及欧、亚、非及大洋洲的60多个国家。全世界先后有4/5的人口卷入战争,军民伤亡达1亿多人。这是人类历史上持续时间最长、规模最大、生命财产损失最为惨重的一场浩劫。历史是最好的教科书,媒体又是历史的记录者。“论从史出”,那么从媒体和媒体工作者的角度讲,二战这部历史究竟告诉了我们些什么呢?二战已经过去60年。但当人们从各种文字和影视作品中回望那场人类空前的杀戳时,在震颤之中仍在不断地发问:这一切怎么会、怎么可能发生呢? 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war. The war that took place 60 years ago affected more than 60 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Four-fifths of the world’s population has been involved in the war, with more than 100 million casualties. This is the holocaust that has been the longest, the largest and the most devastating to human life and property in human history. History is the best textbook, and the media is the recorder of history. “From history”, then from the perspective of the media and media workers, what exactly did the history of World War II tell us? The World War II has lasted 60 years. However, when people look back to the unprecedented killing of mankind from all kinds of texts and films, they are constantly asking questions in the tremor: How could all this happen? How could this happen?
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为了研究胚胎期心脏心房钠尿肽的发生及变化规律 ,收集因孕妇自愿流产或引产的胚胎 6 5例 (经临床证实孕妇无心血管疾病 ) ,用放射免疫法同步测定胚胎心脏各部位心房钠尿肽的
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细胞凋亡对组织发育和自身稳定具有重要调节作用。为了阐明B细胞受体 (BCR)介导的凋亡机制 ,研究者用人Burkitt淋巴瘤细胞株BL6 0做为研究生发中心B细胞耐受的实验模型。实验结果指出 :①TNF相