
来源 :中国物资 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinhongtao2009
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各省、自治区、直辖市统计局,计划单列的省辖市统计局,新疆建设兵团,国务院各有关部门,总后勤部,总参兵种部:物资统计是国民经济基本统计之一。物资统计反映生产资料在国民经济运行的状况和间题,是各级党政领导进行宏观决策和有关部门进行经济管理、综合平衡和日常生产组织调度等宏观调控必需的基本统计。随着改革开放的进一步扩大和社会主义市场经济的逐步建立和发展,各方面对物资统计资料的需求正在逐步增加,特别是今年以来,由于国民经济的高速发展,主要物资供需形势的变化,进一步引起了党中央和国院领导同志的重视。新的国民经济核算体系的分步实施,也要求进一步改进和加强物资统计工作。为此,现通知如下: Statistics Bureau of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities directly under the State Council with separate municipalities planning plans, Xinjiang Construction Corps and all relevant departments under the State Council, General Logistics Department and General Staff Department: Material statistics is one of the basic statistics of the national economy. The material statistics reflect the status and problems of the means of production in the operation of the national economy and are the basic statistics necessary for the party and government leaders at all levels to make macroeconomic decisions and make the relevant departments carry out macro adjustments and controls such as economic management, overall balance and daily production and organization. With the further expansion of the reform and opening up and the gradual establishment and development of the socialist market economy, the demand for materials and statistics from all sources is gradually increasing. Especially since this year, due to the rapid development of the national economy and changes in the supply and demand of major materials, Further aroused the attention of the leading comrades of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. The step-by-step implementation of the new national economic accounting system also requires the further improvement and strengthening of material statistics. To this end, we hereby notify you as follows:
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