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在伟大的批林批孔运动中,我矿广大妇女狠批林彪效法孔老二“克己复礼”,妄图复辟资本主义的滔天罪行,狠批“男尊女卑”、“妇女无用”的反动谬论,提高了阶级斗争、路线斗争和无产阶级专政下继续革命的觉悟,打碎了千百年来束缚妇女的精神枷锁。广大妇女决心破旧习、立新风,以实际行动同传统观念实行彻底决裂。就是在这种大好形势下,我们“三八”掘进排于1974年12月11日胜利诞生了。当时,以薛何英同志为代表的四名电机车司机和一名白衣战士,共五名女工组成了三八掘进班。这一新生 In the great bodhisattva bodhisattva movement, a large number of women in our mine severely criticized Lin Biao for imitating Kong Lao-er’s “self-denial and reprisal” and vainly attempted to restore the heinous crimes of capitalism and upset the reactionary fallacies of “male superiority” and “female uselessness” The struggle for class struggle, the line struggle and the continued revolution in the dictatorship of the proletariat have shattered the spiritual bondage that has bound women for thousands of years. The majority of women are determined to shatter their old habits, set new trends and take radical actions to break the traditional concept. It is in this excellent situation that our triumph was born on December 11, 1974. At that time, four electric locomotive drivers, represented by Xue He-ying, and a white soldier, a total of five female workers formed the March 8 digging class. This new life
<正> 伟大领袖毛主席教导我们:“要抓意识形态领域里的阶级斗争。”在阶级社会里,自然科学历来存在着唯物论和唯心论、辩证法和形而上学的激烈斗争。深入开展自然科学领域的
AIM:To share our experience of the management and outcomes of patients with pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI).METHODS:The charts of seven patients who un
Small intestinal hemolymphangioma is a very rare benign tumor.There was only one report of a hemolymphangioma of the pancreas invading to the duodenum until Mar
我们的党是一个伟大的党,光荣的党,正确的党。《在中国共产党全国宣传工作会议上的讲话》领导我们事业的核心力量是中国共产党。 Our party is a great party, a glorious p
现在讨论0.618是那里来的。0.618就是 5~(1/5)-1/2=0.618033989……取三位小数的近似值,这又是怎么来的呢? 前已叙述,优选法是在(0,1)线段中先取一点X做试验后,再取Y厂做试