【摘 要】
An elastic-viscoplastic model is used on the finite element package Abaqus to simulate the thermal and mechanical behavior of bloom casting strand and predict t
【机 构】
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana,
【出 处】
Baosteel Technical Research
An elastic-viscoplastic model is used on the finite element package Abaqus to simulate the thermal and mechanical behavior of bloom casting strand and predict the location and scale of centerline cracks.The formation of centerline cracks can be investigated by the application of this model,which is of benefit to the improvement of processing.
An elastic-viscoplastic model is used on the finite element package Abaqus to simulate the thermal and mechanical behavior of bloom casting strand and predict the location and scale of centerline cracks. Formation of centerline cracks can be investigated by the application of this model, which is of benefit to the improvement of processing.
蜡样芽孢杆菌是食物中毒的常见细菌,但与其他细菌混合中毒引起多脏器损害及死亡的案例在法医工作中不甚常见,现报道2例.1 案例资料案例1 1998年9月8日晨,郭某一家3人(郭某,男
1982—1990年,就控制华支睾吸虫病流行措施作了初步探讨,现报告于后。 材料与方法 1982、1984、1986、及1990年分别对观察点1岁以上人群粪便两送六检普查华支睾吸虫卵。感染
案情简介原告 :张俊 ,男 ,1962年6月9日出生 ,汉族 ,个体经商。住内蒙古呼和浩特市新城区地质局南街市政宿舍3排19号。被告 :中华人民共和国公安部。法定代表人 :贾春旺 ,部长。住址 :
Not long ago, Shandong Post and Telecommunicat