他是一位军人,曾经披甲从军八载,授过上尉军衔;他是一名作家,湖南省作协会员,出版过《醉了人生》、《诱惑》等6部长篇小说,文坛上颇有名气;他又是涉足商海的“老总”,现任湖南星宇工贸有限公司总经理,省工商联合会会员。他用自己的聪明、智慧、才智、心血,浇灌出了累累硕果,在人生的道路上,创造出一片辉煌。 吉鸿昌有句名言:“路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。”本文的主人公于建初的辉煌人生,就是他一步一个脚印走出来的,每前进一步,每一个足迹,都付出了一份汗水,
He is a soldier who has been wearing armor eight years, awarded the rank of captain; he is a writer, Hunan Province Writers Association, published “drunk life”, “temptation” and other six novels, quite literary world famous ; He is involved in the commercial sea, “CEO”, the current Xingyu Ltd. Hunan General Manager, Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce members. He used his wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, hardworking, poured out a great deal of fruit, in the way of life, to create a brilliant. Ji Hongchang has a famous saying: “The road is the foot out, the history is written by people. Every step of the people are writing their own history.” The brilliant life of the protagonist Yu Jianchu is his step by step Come out, every step forward, every footprint, have paid a sweat,