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随着市场经济的发展和生产条件的不断改善,一贯被认为低产作物的夏谷单产水平也有了较大提高,一般亩产300—400公斤,并出现了许多高产典型,最高亩产500公斤以上。我市种植谷子面积最大的辛集市,1994年13.33万亩夏谷,亩产达到321.9公斤。赵县周村李辰怀12亩夏谷亩产达到500公斤。夏谷高产应抓好以下几点。 一、选用抗倒优种。目前适宜本地夏播的谷种有矮88、豫谷2号、冀特2号、181—3等品种。其中矮88高抗倒伏,株高70厘米左右,品优产量高。 二、轮作换茬。谷子连作有三大害处:一是病害重;二是杂草谷稗多;三是易造成养分缺乏失 With the development of market economy and continuous improvement of production conditions, the summer grain yield, which has long been regarded as low-yield crops, has also been greatly improved. Generally, the output per mu is 300-400 kg, and many high-yielding typical varieties have the highest yield of 500 kg or more . Xinji City, the largest grain growing area in the city, was 13.33 million mu in summer and reached 321.9 kg per mu in 1994. Zhaocun Zhoucun Li Chenhuai acres of summer acres of summer grain yield reached 500 kilograms. Summer Valley high yield should do a good job the following points. First, the selection of anti-inverted superior species. Currently suitable for the local summer sown Valley 88, Yugu 2, Ji Te 2, 181-3 and other varieties. Among them, short high resistance lodging 88, about 70 cm tall, high product quality. Second, crop rotation stubble. Millet continuous cropping has three major disadvantages: First, the disease is heavy; Second, weeds and more cereal; Third, easy to cause nutrient deficiencies
土壤砷污染是一个严重的环境问题。在土壤砷暴露所引起的人体健康风险中,肠道微生物对土壤砷代谢起着重要作用。本论文建立了SHIME模型(Simulator of Human Intestinal Microb
Dear Editor,Genome browsers visualize the end product of genome assembly,which is a highly contiguous sequence.However,how to visualize the intermediate product