,Arabidopsis Sucrose Transporter SUT4 Interacts with Cytochrome b5-2 to Regulate Seed Germination in
,Farnesylcysteine Lyase is Involved in Negative Regulation of Abscisic Acid Signaling in Arabidopsis
The Arabidopsis FCLY gene encodes a specific faesylcysteine(FC) lyase,which is responsible for the oxidative metabolism ......
Vacuolar H+-ATPase was regarded as a key enzyme promoting the fiber cell elongation in cotton (Gossypium hirsuturm L.) t......
cDNA fragment of fertility gene MS2 from cotton was cloned by RT-PCR approach, it was highly homologous with relevant ge......
Dwarfism is an important plant architecture trait in crop breeding(Peng et al.,1999;Sasaki el al.,2002).In cucurbits.the......
HOG1(high osmolarity glycerol,HOG1)是酵母中参与耐高渗透压调控的重要基因。根据已发表的酿酒酵母序列,设计特异引物,扩增到完整......
In present paper,one of the T-DNA insertional embryonic lethal mutant of Arabidopsis is identified and designated as acd......
钙调素(CaM)是一种普遍存在的钙受体蛋白, 它调节了许多细胞生物学功能. 钙调素分子有4个金属结合位点, 而植物钙调素Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ位......
Using an isotig encoding a putative polypeptide with high similarity to Arabidopsis LEA14 as a query,a 613 bp long cDNA ......