【摘 要】
倦怠的中午 这组色彩反映着一种炎炎夏日慵懒,倦怠的心绪,繁忙的都市人在沉静,低调的色彩中,释放着自己的身心。 狂想曲 浓烈、凝重、神秘的深色调,使得欲望的感觉异常强烈。瞬息万变,压力重重的大都市,让人们有在夜幕下奔突放纵的冲动。 彩虹色 该组高纯度的华丽色彩,让人们感受到了生命的律动以及生活的蓬勃。穿上如此鲜艳的夏装,心情一定会如彩虹般灿烂,超现实的感觉令你信心百倍。 发光
I am a big fan of both Xiao Hong and Ann Hui and a researcher of modern literature who happens to also often write film reviews. While watching The Golden Era, I began brainstorming how one could make
2008年2月27日-3月2日,第41届曼谷珠宝首饰展在泰国曼谷的IMPACTING会展中心举行,来自35个国家和地区的1100多个企业和机构共占用了中心的3个展厅,3100多个展位展出了各具特色的产品及最新成果。其中909家泰国本土参展商占据了28D0多个展位,190多家国外参展商则抢占了300个展位。这是一个五彩斑斓的世界,也是一个呈现彩色宝石和首饰设计潮流的专业平台。 从展会看首饰趋势
As daughter of Chang Shuhong, who was dubbed the“guardian of Dunhuang Grottoes” and founder of China’s Dunhuang studies, Chang Shana has lived a life far from ordinary. Despite lacking a college degre
第一位佩带钻戒的幸福女人 钻石戒指第一次被用作婚约是在公元1477年,奥地利马克西米连世在与法国勃艮地的玛丽公主定亲前接到公主的一封来信,信内写道:定亲之日,公主须戴上镶有钻石的指环。由此,有文字记载的历史上第枚结婚钻戒戴在玛丽的手指上。自此,钻戒作为“爱的献礼”,成为世代情侣们忠贞爱情的至高信物。 这枚钻戒上的拱形(Hogback)钻石,即现今的梯方形(baguetlle)钻石的前身,排
As the sun dips below the hori- zon, fishing boats heavy with the day’s catch head towards shore across the waters of Danjiangkou Reservoir in Xichuan County, Henan Province. Local fishermen rise with
Located at the western end of the Hexi Corridor in Gan- su Province, Dunhuang Grottoes include the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, the Western Thousand-Buddha Cave to its west, and the Yulin Grottoes in G
After his 2013 film American Dreams in China stormed box offices across China on its way to a 540 million yuan take, Hong Kong director Peter Chan’s follow-up, Dearest, performed “moderately” at the b
2007慕尼黑珠宝展(inhorgenfaeurOpe2007)2月23日~26日在新慕尼黑会展交易中心举办。由于主办方的积极推动展会订单数量显著增长,乐观情绪感染着每一位参展商。 展会期间,展观者达3万余人(2006年为2.9万余人),参展商1183家(2006年为1138家),参展商来自44个国家和地区(2006年为43个)。 展会的活跃气氛、产品种类以及国际化规模受到观展者的致好评。
An unprecedented initial public offering (IPO) by Chinese tech giant Alibaba not only made its chairman Jack Ma China’s richest person, but made the company the world’s largest e-commerce firm and sec
For the very first time, an oil painting was placed in the square hall of the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), a location usually reserved for opening ceremonies and posters promoting exhibitions