Patient female, 67 years old. Chief complaint of elevated blood sugar 17 years. Current history of patients 17 years ago check the fasting blood glucose 14mmol / L, was diagnosed with diabetes. At that time no obvious symptoms such as polydipsia, polyuria, weight 60kg, no significant weight change to diet control, proper exercise, had self-serving Xiaoke pill hypoglycemic, take a few days after the blood glucose dropped to normal then self-disable, then not Regular detection of blood glucose, no systematic treatment. 5 years ago due to high blood glucose admission, when postprandial blood glucose 25mmol / L, after admission to improve the relevant complications detection, a clear diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus diabetic retinopathy diabetic nephropathy microalbuminuria, insulin aspart 30 (as early as 12U afternoon 6U Late 6U) combined with acarbose