书香相伴 幸福成长——课外阅读“同读一本书”指导四步曲

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自我校开展“同读一本书”活动以来,可以说,人人手中有书读,班班读书有特色。校园里洋溢着浓浓的读书氛围,创书香班级,做读书少年。我校的读书活动开展的如火如荼。下面,我就把我班在此次活动中的“读书四部曲”与大家共享。一、激趣激读书之趣我充分激发学生读书的兴趣,让他们乐于读书。比如,时常给学生讲一些名人勤奋读书的故事,搜集关于读书名人名言贴在桌角作为自己的座右铭,从中渗透读书的重要性和趣味性,激起学生 Since my school started “Same Book with a Book ” activity, it can be said that everyone has a book in his class. The campus filled with a thick atmosphere of reading, a class of books fragrance, do reading young. Our school reading activities carried out in full swing. Next, I will put my class in this activity “Reading Four ” to share with you. First, the excitement excited reading interest I fully stimulate students interest in reading, so that they are happy to study. For example, we often tell students some celebrities diligently studying stories, collecting celebrities on the table reading celebrities as their motto, from which to penetrate the importance of reading and interesting, arouse students