资源委员会实际上是战时国民政府的最高经济领导部门, 它不但支撑了中国的抗战,而且为战后的中国工业现代化打下了基础1931年冬,“九·一八”事变已经发生了几个月。时任国民政府秘书兼教育部次长的钱昌照向蒋介石提出,日本侵华趋势日益明显,应该建立一个国防设计的机构来统筹计划抗战工作。蒋介石表示同意,并决定由他来筹备这个工作。
The resource committee was actually the supreme economic leader of the Kuomintang government in wartime. It not only supported China’s war of resistance but laid the foundation for the post-war industrial modernization in China. In the winter of 1931, a number of events occurred on September 18 month. Qian Changzhao, then secretary of the Kuomintang government and minister of the Ministry of Education, proposed to Chiang Kai-shek that the trend of Japan’s invasion of China is becoming increasingly clear. A national defense design agency should be established to plan the war effort. Chiang Kai-shek agreed and decided that he should prepare for the work.