
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyh
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一、活动背景我校是乐清市19所新教育实验基地之一,为了更好地开展新教育活动,我们践行着“晨诵、午读、暮省”活动。晨诵是新教育实验的儿童课程之一,旨在让师生养成“与黎明共舞”的生活方式,以丰富他们的语言与精神。新教育提倡的“与黎明共舞”晨诵项目是以适合孩子当下的儿歌、优美的儿童诗及古典诗词为主的复合课程。目的是让诗歌与孩子建立起关系,丰富学生的心灵,强调在晨诵过程中孩子与诗歌交融相汇,沉浸其中,玩味其间,充分体验诗歌的丰富性。晨诵是一种仪式,是一种师生共同穿越诗歌,享受生命,开启新的一天的洗礼 I. Background The school is one of 19 new education experiment bases in Yueqing City. In order to carry out the new education activities better, we have practiced the activities of “morning chanting, afternoon study, evening province”. Morning chanting is one of the new educational experiments in children’s curriculum, designed to enable teachers and students to develop “life with dawn” lifestyle to enrich their language and spirit. New Education Advocates “Dances with Dawn ” Morning recitation project is based on children’s current children’s songs, beautiful children’s poems and classical poetry-based composite courses. The purpose is to make the relationship between poetry and children, enrich students’ minds, emphasize the interaction of children and poetry in the morning recitation, immersing them, pondering the meantime, fully experience the richness of poetry. Morning chanting is a ritual, a baptism of common practice between teachers and students through poetry, enjoyment of life and opening of a new day
云计算、大数据、移动互联、社会化网络已经成为当前IT技术的焦点,整个IT产业也呈现出软件、硬件、服务垂直整合、产业与信息化融合发展等特征。由此,平台化已经成为这个时代的关键词。  1月21日,亚太本土最大管理软件厂商用友公司正式发布2013/新三年业务策略——加快平台化发展,推进产业链共赢;并向业界彰显平台化发展的最新成果——针对大中型企业的私用云平台UAP与NC6.0解决方案,以及针对小微企业的
昨天晚上我做了一个可怕的梦,醒来之后全身冰凉,满脑冷汗。你一定想知道我做了什么可怕的梦吧?别急,听我慢慢道来。  梦中,我们正在上第二节课。我第一个写完课堂作业后,到前面讲桌处找老师批改。很幸运,题都做对了。我兴高采烈地往回走,刚走一半时,忽然感觉一阵冷风从后面袭来,随后脑袋就被什么东西“啪”的一声打中了,吓得毫无防备的我脖子一缩。我用手揉了揉脑袋,一看掉在地上的是作业本,便气愤地想转头看是谁扔的