Percutaneous absorption of drugs from topically applied excipients is a complex process. Physicochemical properties of drugs and excipients as well as the physiological state of the skin can significantly affect the penetration of chemical agents and their subsequent processes. Percutaneous absorption of the drug includes transport of the drug from the excipient to the skin, through the layers of the epidermis, through the dermis, and then through the cutaneous vasculature. In its pharmacokinetic studies, the accumulation and metabolism of drugs in the epidermis should also be considered. Such as by measuring the drug concentration in urine to reflect the absorption of the drug, in addition to the skin of the drug, other parts of the pharmacokinetic process should be considered. Therefore, it should be determined which process limits the speed and extent of the absorption of topical drugs. The new model proposed in this paper uses the velocity constants of four first-order processes to describe the drug’s penetration characteristics, which greatly simplifies