根据各地的苗木需求信息 ,需求量较多的苗木为 :西北市场较多的苗木品种包括雪松、白皮松、云杉、华山松、女贞、火棘、洒金柏、三倍体毛白杨、垂柳、国槐、白蜡、合欢、栾树、千头椿、无球悬铃木、绒毛白蜡、山芙萸、青桐、紫叶李、木槿、紫薇、冬青、紫叶小檗等。西南市场较?
According to the demand information of nursery stock all over the country, the nursery stock with more demand is as follows: The nursery stock with more northwestern market includes cedar, white bark pine, spruce, huashan pine, privet, pyracantha, spruce, triploid poplar, weeping willow, Sophora japonica, ash, Acacia, Koelreuteria tree, Trichosanthes, Spherulina Platensis, fleece wax, Eucheuma, Qingtong, Ziye Li, hibiscus, crape myrtle, Holly, Ziye barberry and so on. Southwest market more?