[摘要] 目的 通過调查总结输入性登革热的防治经验,并建立Taqman MGB实时荧光PCR技术快速检测登革热病毒,更好地指导今后登革热防制工作。 方法 流行病学调查,利用Taqman MGB技术,根据登革病毒3’端非编码区一段序列,设计登革1~4型荧光PCR通用引物和探针,以DF病毒株作为标准,以乙脑毒株作阴性对照,建立荧光PCR检测DF的快速方法。同时给予1份ELISA法检测阳性的临床血清标本进行荧光PCR扩增。 结果 采用PCR引物对登革1~4型病毒进行扩增,与设计相符;而乙型脑炎病毒均无非特异性扩增条带,对引物的相关性实验结果表明引物之间不会因相互干扰而出现假阳性结果,1份疑似患者血标本RT-PCR扩增阳性率为83.3%(25/30),其核酸序列与登革1型病毒柬埔寨株以及中国1997、1999年流行株GD14/97、GD05/99同源性分别为97%。 结论 在今后的登革热防控工作中,我们应用RT-PCR检测方法时间短、灵敏性高、有较高的特异性,以此作为为DF的临床早期诊断方法;其次重点加强出国和归国人员的管理,开展登革热防治知识的宣传教育,建立和其他部门的登革热联防体制,加强基层医务人员登革热防治知识培训,提高基层医务人员登革热诊治水平,来达到控制登革热的目标。
[关键词] 输入性;登革热;监测;RT-PCR
[中图分类号] R512.8 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)09-0079-05
Survey, rapid detection method, prevention and control of first imported dengue fever of Jinzhou City in Liaoning Province
LI Zhijun1 FAN Kai2 SONG Ying2 LUO Mei3
1.Linghai Disease Control and Prevention Center in Liaoning Province, Linghai 121200, China; 2.Jinzhou Disease Control and Prevention Center in Liaoning Province, Jinzhou 121000, China; 3.Institute of Life Sciences, Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou 121000, China
[Abstract] Objective To summarize the experience of prevention and treatment of imported dengue fever by investigation and to establish Taqman MGB real-time fluorescence PCR to detect dengue virus rapidly so as to better guide dengue fever prevention and control work in the future. Methods The epidemiological investigation was carried out in the field. According to a highly conserved sequence of the non-coding region of dengue virus 3 ’end, dengue 1.4 fluorescent PCR universal primer and Taqman MGB probe were designed, using Taqman MGB technique. The rapid detection method of real-time fluorescence PCR detection of dengue virus was established, with Dengue fever virus strain as the standard and JE as the control. The clinical serum sample of the one case of ELISA test positive were amplified by RT-PCR and fluorescent PCR amplification. Results The dengue virus type 1 to 4 were amplified using PCR primers, which was consistent with the design. However, there was no non-specific amplification band for Japanese encephalitis virus. The primer correlation experimental results showed that the false positive results would not occur due to mutual interference between the primers. The positive rate of RT-PCR amplification in one suspected patient’s blood sample was 83.3% (25/30). Its nucleotide sequence homology with dengue virus type 1 Cambodia, China GD14/97, GD05/99 in 1997 and 1999 was 97%. Conclusion In the prevention and control of dengue fever in the future, RT-PCR is a rapid, sensitive and specific method, which can be used as an early clinical diagnostic method for dengue fever. Second, we will focus on strengthening the management of overseas personnel and returnees, develop the publicity and education of dengue fever prevention and treatment. We also establish the defense system of dengue fever with other departments, strengthen the training on dengue fever prevention and control among grassroots medical workers and improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever among grassroots medical workers so as to achieve the goal of controlling dengue fever. [Key words] Input;Dengue fever;Monitoring;RT-PCR
登革热和登革出血热是一种急性传染病,是热带、亚热带地区的严重公共卫生问题,由登革热病毒经蚊媒传播[1]。据有关权威部门的数据统计,全球每年约有7千万到1亿人感染DF病毒,每年24 000人死亡[2]。锦州市属于登革热非流行区从20世纪50年代初有疫情记载以来,无登革热病本地感染病例。锦州市疾控中心于2015年2月15日对一例输入性登革热病例进行调查处理,现报道如下。
1 材料与方法
1.1 个案调查
根据《登革热流行病学个案调查表》进行病例调查,查看病例资料。诊断标准参照《登革热诊断标准及处理原则》(WS 216-2008)[3]。
1.2 实验室检查及病原学检查
1.2.1 材料 乙脑病毒疫苗株由上海生物制品所提供。阳性血清标本采自于锦州市近期发病1周内的登革热患者和发病10 d内的乙型脑炎患者,-86℃保存。所有阳性临床血清标本根据实验室IgM、IgG检测为阳性进行确诊。DV1~4型基因组RNA由广东省疾病预防控制中心提供,TaqDNA聚合酶、dNTPs、DL2000 Marker、DNA 连接酶、DNA质粒提取试剂盒、DNA胶回收试剂盒、pMD18-T载体等购于大连TaKaRa公司,其他常规试剂均为国产分析纯。
1.2.2 RNA提取 1~4型DF病毒标准株采用1640培养基进行溶解,接种C6/36细胞,20℃~33℃进行培养、传代,按病毒提取RNA试剂盒说明书进行提取,同时-86℃保存备用。
1.2.3 反转录与 PCR扩增 RNA反转录 反应总体积为40 μL,在反应管内依次加入:10×缓冲液 10 μL,510 mmol/L 8×dNTP 2 μL,0.3 U/μL Random(金斯瑞公司生产)引物1 μL,RNA 12 μL,AMV Reverse Transcriptase(10 μL)1 μL混匀。反应条件:42℃ 60 min,95℃ 5 min,4℃保存。产物放置于-20℃备用。
PCR扩增:反应总体积为20 μL,在反应管内依次加入:10×PCR Buffer 2 μL,dNTP Mixture(10 mM) 1 μL,通用引物D1、D2(5 μmol/L)各1 μL,cDNA 0.5 μL(Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅳ型)、2 μL(Ⅲ型、血清标本、阴性对照),ExTaq酶(5 U/μL)0.25 μL加H2O补足体系。
1.2.4 实时荧光PCR 需反应的总体积为40 μL,在管内依次加入:20×缓冲液4 μL,10 mmol/L MgCl2 2.5 μL,引物DenFP、DF-RP(10 μmol/L)各0.5 μL(Ⅰ型,Ⅱ型,Ⅳ型),2 μL(Ⅲ型,血清标本,阴性对照)Taq酶(5 U/μL)0.25 μL加H2O补足体系。反应条件:50℃ 2 min,95℃10 min,95℃ 30 s,60℃ 30 s,进行40个循环,4℃保存。采用MX4000实时荧光PCR扩增仪进行扩增,Tm值由扩增片段的长度决定,延伸阶段检测荧光。
1.2.5 疑似DF患者血清标本PCR扩增 选择锦州凌海市疾控中心1例疑似DF患者发病早期的血清标本进行多重PCR扩增。
1.2.6 基因克隆、鉴定和测序 扩增阳性PCR产物按照上海金斯瑞生物技术有限公司的DNA凝胶回收试剂盒说明书进行实验,回收产物连接至pMD18-T载体并转化JM109宿主菌,将摇好的菌液经DNA质粒提取试剂盒说明书进行质粒提取,PCR及酶切鉴定后,送至大连宝生物公司测序。
1.3 PCR检测的特异性试验
1.3.1 PCR检测敏感试验 取DV1~4型细胞培养液进行1∶10稀释,稀释后分别取300 μL进行核酸提取,按上述方法进行RT-PCR,取5 μL RT-PCR产物作为模板进行PCR扩增,琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察结果。验证RT-PCR的敏感性,同时DV1~4型特异性引物进行单引物扩增,以对比单引物和多引物敏感性的差异,见图1。
M 1 2 3 4 5 6
M:分子量标准DL2000;1:陰性对照;2流行性乙型脑炎病毒;3:DV 4 型;4:DV 3 型;5:DV 2 型;6:DV 1 型
1.3.2 PCR检测DV的敏感性 灵敏度:以DEN-1(图2A)为例,1×103 copies/mL浓度核酸可见扩增曲线,1×102 copies/mL未见明显扩增曲线,故 DEN-1检测限为1×103 copies/mL,DEN-2 为1×102 copies/mL(图2B),DEN-3为1×102 copies/mL(图2C),DEN-4为1×102 copies/mL(图2D)。
1.3.3 临床疑似DF患者批标本检测结果 RT-PCR扩增1份早期患者血标本,阳性率为83.3%(图3)。2株阳性率为83.3%。2株阳性标本经克隆测序后,与DV1型柬埔寨株以及我国1997、1999年DV1型流行株同源性分别为97%、97%、98%,进一步证实为DV1(图3)。
2 结果
[关键词] 输入性;登革热;监测;RT-PCR
[中图分类号] R512.8 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)09-0079-05
Survey, rapid detection method, prevention and control of first imported dengue fever of Jinzhou City in Liaoning Province
LI Zhijun1 FAN Kai2 SONG Ying2 LUO Mei3
1.Linghai Disease Control and Prevention Center in Liaoning Province, Linghai 121200, China; 2.Jinzhou Disease Control and Prevention Center in Liaoning Province, Jinzhou 121000, China; 3.Institute of Life Sciences, Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou 121000, China
[Abstract] Objective To summarize the experience of prevention and treatment of imported dengue fever by investigation and to establish Taqman MGB real-time fluorescence PCR to detect dengue virus rapidly so as to better guide dengue fever prevention and control work in the future. Methods The epidemiological investigation was carried out in the field. According to a highly conserved sequence of the non-coding region of dengue virus 3 ’end, dengue 1.4 fluorescent PCR universal primer and Taqman MGB probe were designed, using Taqman MGB technique. The rapid detection method of real-time fluorescence PCR detection of dengue virus was established, with Dengue fever virus strain as the standard and JE as the control. The clinical serum sample of the one case of ELISA test positive were amplified by RT-PCR and fluorescent PCR amplification. Results The dengue virus type 1 to 4 were amplified using PCR primers, which was consistent with the design. However, there was no non-specific amplification band for Japanese encephalitis virus. The primer correlation experimental results showed that the false positive results would not occur due to mutual interference between the primers. The positive rate of RT-PCR amplification in one suspected patient’s blood sample was 83.3% (25/30). Its nucleotide sequence homology with dengue virus type 1 Cambodia, China GD14/97, GD05/99 in 1997 and 1999 was 97%. Conclusion In the prevention and control of dengue fever in the future, RT-PCR is a rapid, sensitive and specific method, which can be used as an early clinical diagnostic method for dengue fever. Second, we will focus on strengthening the management of overseas personnel and returnees, develop the publicity and education of dengue fever prevention and treatment. We also establish the defense system of dengue fever with other departments, strengthen the training on dengue fever prevention and control among grassroots medical workers and improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever among grassroots medical workers so as to achieve the goal of controlling dengue fever. [Key words] Input;Dengue fever;Monitoring;RT-PCR
登革热和登革出血热是一种急性传染病,是热带、亚热带地区的严重公共卫生问题,由登革热病毒经蚊媒传播[1]。据有关权威部门的数据统计,全球每年约有7千万到1亿人感染DF病毒,每年24 000人死亡[2]。锦州市属于登革热非流行区从20世纪50年代初有疫情记载以来,无登革热病本地感染病例。锦州市疾控中心于2015年2月15日对一例输入性登革热病例进行调查处理,现报道如下。
1 材料与方法
1.1 个案调查
根据《登革热流行病学个案调查表》进行病例调查,查看病例资料。诊断标准参照《登革热诊断标准及处理原则》(WS 216-2008)[3]。
1.2 实验室检查及病原学检查
1.2.1 材料 乙脑病毒疫苗株由上海生物制品所提供。阳性血清标本采自于锦州市近期发病1周内的登革热患者和发病10 d内的乙型脑炎患者,-86℃保存。所有阳性临床血清标本根据实验室IgM、IgG检测为阳性进行确诊。DV1~4型基因组RNA由广东省疾病预防控制中心提供,TaqDNA聚合酶、dNTPs、DL2000 Marker、DNA 连接酶、DNA质粒提取试剂盒、DNA胶回收试剂盒、pMD18-T载体等购于大连TaKaRa公司,其他常规试剂均为国产分析纯。
1.2.2 RNA提取 1~4型DF病毒标准株采用1640培养基进行溶解,接种C6/36细胞,20℃~33℃进行培养、传代,按病毒提取RNA试剂盒说明书进行提取,同时-86℃保存备用。
1.2.3 反转录与 PCR扩增 RNA反转录 反应总体积为40 μL,在反应管内依次加入:10×缓冲液 10 μL,510 mmol/L 8×dNTP 2 μL,0.3 U/μL Random(金斯瑞公司生产)引物1 μL,RNA 12 μL,AMV Reverse Transcriptase(10 μL)1 μL混匀。反应条件:42℃ 60 min,95℃ 5 min,4℃保存。产物放置于-20℃备用。
PCR扩增:反应总体积为20 μL,在反应管内依次加入:10×PCR Buffer 2 μL,dNTP Mixture(10 mM) 1 μL,通用引物D1、D2(5 μmol/L)各1 μL,cDNA 0.5 μL(Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅳ型)、2 μL(Ⅲ型、血清标本、阴性对照),ExTaq酶(5 U/μL)0.25 μL加H2O补足体系。
1.2.4 实时荧光PCR 需反应的总体积为40 μL,在管内依次加入:20×缓冲液4 μL,10 mmol/L MgCl2 2.5 μL,引物DenFP、DF-RP(10 μmol/L)各0.5 μL(Ⅰ型,Ⅱ型,Ⅳ型),2 μL(Ⅲ型,血清标本,阴性对照)Taq酶(5 U/μL)0.25 μL加H2O补足体系。反应条件:50℃ 2 min,95℃10 min,95℃ 30 s,60℃ 30 s,进行40个循环,4℃保存。采用MX4000实时荧光PCR扩增仪进行扩增,Tm值由扩增片段的长度决定,延伸阶段检测荧光。
1.2.5 疑似DF患者血清标本PCR扩增 选择锦州凌海市疾控中心1例疑似DF患者发病早期的血清标本进行多重PCR扩增。
1.2.6 基因克隆、鉴定和测序 扩增阳性PCR产物按照上海金斯瑞生物技术有限公司的DNA凝胶回收试剂盒说明书进行实验,回收产物连接至pMD18-T载体并转化JM109宿主菌,将摇好的菌液经DNA质粒提取试剂盒说明书进行质粒提取,PCR及酶切鉴定后,送至大连宝生物公司测序。
1.3 PCR检测的特异性试验
1.3.1 PCR检测敏感试验 取DV1~4型细胞培养液进行1∶10稀释,稀释后分别取300 μL进行核酸提取,按上述方法进行RT-PCR,取5 μL RT-PCR产物作为模板进行PCR扩增,琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察结果。验证RT-PCR的敏感性,同时DV1~4型特异性引物进行单引物扩增,以对比单引物和多引物敏感性的差异,见图1。
M 1 2 3 4 5 6
M:分子量标准DL2000;1:陰性对照;2流行性乙型脑炎病毒;3:DV 4 型;4:DV 3 型;5:DV 2 型;6:DV 1 型
1.3.2 PCR检测DV的敏感性 灵敏度:以DEN-1(图2A)为例,1×103 copies/mL浓度核酸可见扩增曲线,1×102 copies/mL未见明显扩增曲线,故 DEN-1检测限为1×103 copies/mL,DEN-2 为1×102 copies/mL(图2B),DEN-3为1×102 copies/mL(图2C),DEN-4为1×102 copies/mL(图2D)。
1.3.3 临床疑似DF患者批标本检测结果 RT-PCR扩增1份早期患者血标本,阳性率为83.3%(图3)。2株阳性率为83.3%。2株阳性标本经克隆测序后,与DV1型柬埔寨株以及我国1997、1999年DV1型流行株同源性分别为97%、97%、98%,进一步证实为DV1(图3)。
2 结果