Castration-induced expression of caspase-1 in epithelia of accessory sex organs in male rats

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zb280048797
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Aim: As an attempt to clarify the molecular basis of castration-induced apoptosis, this study was undertaken todemonstrate the expression of caspase-1 in male accessory sex organs of rats. Methods and results; cDNA of ratcaspase-1 was cloned by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction from the ventral prostates. The open readingframe predicts 402 amino acids, which shows more than 91% and 63% identity to those of mouse and human, respec-tively. Northern analyses demonstrated the presence of castration-induced up-regulation of the 1.6 kb transcript in theventral prostate and the seminal vesicles. Finally, the authors demonstrated the caspase-1 transcripts in the epithelia ofthese tissues by in situ hybridization analyses. Conclusion; Castration induces the expression of caspase-1 tran-scripts in the epithelia of ventral prostate and seminal vesicle. These observations suggest a possible role of caspase-1 inapoptosis in male accessory sex organs. Aim: As an attempt to clarify the molecular basis of castration-induced apoptosis, this study was undertaken to demonstrate the expression of caspase-1 in male accessory sex organs of rats. Methods and results; cDNA of rat caspase-1 was cloned by reverse transcription- The open readingframe predicts 402 amino acids, which show more than 91% and 63% identity to those of mouse and human, respec- tively. Northern analysis of the presence of castration-induced up-regulation of The 1.6 kb transcript in theventral prostate and the seminal vesicles. Finally, the authors demonstrated the caspase-1 transcripts in the epithelia of the tissues by in situ hybridization analyzes. Conclusion; Castration induces the expression of caspase-1 tran-scripts in the epithelia of ventral prostate and seminal vesicle. These observations suggest a possible role of caspase-1 inapoptosis in male accessory sex organs.
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