桂枝汤是《伤寒论》方,主治太阳表虚证。其实,深究其组方原理,治法功用,并不限于治表虚证,还是临床治杂病的常用方。兹就实践中几经验证的择摘数例如下: 一、治腹泻一般来说,夏暑酷热,外热里寒。人之与天地相应,肌肤表热,脾胃里寒,加之恣食生冷,常可诱发腹泻。临床上称时行腹泻,习惯用藿香正气散治疗。然夏日腹泻,用正气散尚嫌其表散太过,用桂枝汤则发中有收,健运脾胃,振奋中焦,不失于拨乱反正,恰到好处。病例:患者,男,32岁,1982年7月9日就诊。
Guizhi soup is the “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” party, indicating the sun table deficiency. In fact, it is not limited to the treatment of table-deficiency syndromes, but also the common side of clinical treatment of miscellaneous diseases. Here are a few examples of the number of tests that have been validated in practice. For example, one is to treat diarrhea. In general, summer heat is very hot and outside heat is cold. Corresponding to the human world, skin heat, cold in the spleen and stomach, combined with cold food, often can induce diarrhea. Clinically known as diarrhea, used to use Huoxiang Zhengqi powder treatment. However, summer diarrhea, with Zhengqi San is still too scattered, too, Guizhi Tang is made in the middle of the harvest, Jianpi spleen and stomach, invigorating the coke, is not lost in order to correct chaos, just right. Case: Patient, male, 32 years old, July 9, 1982.