针对不同宽高比微小矩形通道内流动和换热特性进行了实验研究.微小矩形通道宽0.4 mm,宽高比分别为2/5、1/2、2/3和1.实验以空气作为工质.流动雷诺数Re范围是200~1 600.实验结果表明:宽高比对微小矩形通道流动换热特性的影响不可忽略.微小矩形通道摩擦因子随着Re增大而减小,泊肃叶数Po随着Re增大而增大,二者随着宽高比增大同时减小;努塞尔数Nu随着Re增大而增大,随着宽高比增大而减小.针对宽高比对微小矩形通道流动换热特性的影响拟合了相应经验关系式.
Experiments were carried out to study the flow and heat transfer characteristics in rectangular channels with different aspect ratios.Micro rectangular channels with a width of 0.4 mm and an aspect ratio of 2/5, 1/2, 2/3 and 1, respectively, .The flow Reynolds number Re ranges from 200 to 1 600.Experimental results show that the aspect ratio can not neglect the flow and heat transfer characteristics of the microchannel.The friction factor of the microchannel decreases with the increase of Re, The number Po increases with the increase of Re, both decrease as the aspect ratio increases at the same time. The Nusselt number Nu increases with the increase of Re and decreases with the increase of aspect ratio. The effect of aspect ratio on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of a small rectangular channel fits the empirical relationship.