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水彩画作为一种历史悠久、独特而有活力的艺术形式,在中小学的美术学习中已经占有非常重要的地位。水彩画教学一直以来受到一线教师的广泛关注。《义务教育美术课程标准》指出:“美术课程应特别重视对学生个性与创新精神的培养,采取多种方法,使学生思维的流畅性、灵活性和独特性得到发展。”根据美术教材中水彩画教学的要求,结合农村初中学生的实际情况,探索水彩画教学三位一体的教学策略。研究课堂教学、社团活动、竞赛辅导三者结合的教学模式,通过案例实录的形式细致而深入地进行剖析,并取得良好的研究成果。 As a long history, unique and dynamic art form, watercolor has occupied a very important position in art study in primary and secondary schools. Watercolor teaching has always been widespread concern of front-line teachers. “Compulsory Education Curriculum Standard” points out: “Art courses should pay special attention to the cultivation of students ’individuality and innovative spirit and adopt various methods to develop the fluency, flexibility and uniqueness of students’ thinking.” According to the Art Teaching Material In watercolor teaching requirements, combined with the actual situation of junior high school students in rural areas, to explore watercolor teaching trinity teaching strategy. Research teaching, community activities, competition counseling combination of the three teaching mode, through the case record in the form of careful and in-depth analysis, and achieved good research results.
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