Evaluation of Mining Titles Based on Option-Pricing Model

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ourui4108432566
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Limitations exist in applying discounted cash flow and analogy sales methods to evaluate mining titles. In order to find a more appropriate way of evaluating mining titles, the Black-Scholes model is discussed in this paper. The authors pay particular attention to the determination of the time to maturity of the option on the basis of characteristics of the mining industry, pointing out that a reasonable time to maturity of the option should be the remaining time after deducting the essential time, needed by exploitation of the mineral resources within the mining property, from the life of the mining title. Several conclusions, related to the exercise of mineral resource management, are drawn from a case study analysis; extending the life of a mining title within a certain range could increase the revenue to the seller of the mining title. Application of the Black-Scholes model to evaluate mining titles would encourage an expansion of the scale of production. Limitations exist in applying discounted cash flow and analogy sales methods to evaluate mining titles. In order to find a more appropriate way of evaluating mining titles, the Black-Scholes model is discussed in this paper. The authors pay particular attention to the determination of the time to maturity of the option on the basis of characteristics of the mining industry, pointing out that a reasonable time to maturity of the option should be the remaining time after deducting the essential time, needed by exploitation of the mineral resources within the mining property, from the life of the mining title. Several conclusions, related to the exercise of mineral resource management, are drawn from a case study analysis; extending the life of a mining title within a certain range could increase the revenue to the seller of the mining title Application of the Black-Scholes model to evaluate mining titles would encourage an expansion of the scale of production.
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